Wedding Well Being


Deepening Your Love

Couples Counseling

For those of you who are engaged and preparing for your beautiful wedding day, please consider having the support of some Wedding Well Being sessions. Getting married is one of life’s biggest milestones and transitions. It can be filled with excitement and joy and it is also very normal to have anxiety, concerns, doubts and stress just adding wedding planning to your busy lives and preparing to be lifelong committed partners.

It can be a huge relief and comfort to have a safe way to acknowledge what you are going through and to learn how to support each other as you navigate all the decision making in planning your wedding and also take care of the very human process of preparing for the marriage journey ahead.

Wedding Well Being Sessions

1 session - $300.

5 sessions - $1500.

For some of you, you realize that loving each other is wonderful AND you want to have the skills and practices in place to ensure that your love continues to thrive and be fulfilling through out all the stages and ages of marriage. And for some of you you are already settling in after your wedding and know you want support for learning new ways of dealing with your relationship dynamic and to ensure that the spark and delight of those early days stays strong and vital through the years.

The gift of committed love is a treasure beyond measure, yet it needs nourishing and deep invested attention to be a gift that keeps on giving. Marriage is meant to be a place where you can feel safe, respected and mutually supported, in your own life path and the one you are creating together. Understanding that marriage is also a call to lifelong growth and continued learning is essential to attain the deep fulfillment and even joy that committed relationship promises.

Here is the paradox; Finding enduring love is profound and powerful, yet we do not usually grow up with the awareness, understanding and skill sets that make love thrive! So what to do?

Please consider investing in a series of couples counseling sessions that help you build the presence, the authenticity, the self empowerment, the intimacy and the communication skills that will deepen your love over your lifetime. There is no more important investment you will ever make in your relationship. I promise you that you will be forever grateful that you learned the skills and the process for navigating life together as an amazing heart centered, enthusiastic, Love Team.

Introductory Session

For one or both of you! Come and learn how Deepening Your Love Couples Counseling could support your relationship.

This is not traditional talk “therapy.”

Deepening Your Love Couples Counseling is a body/mind, holistic, experiential approach to supporting yourself and each other as well as a powerful healing communication practice. The core of this approach is the understanding that your relationship with yourself is the foundation for your relationship with each other. As you commit to growing in this primary relationship, your partner learns how to become your greatest ally and champion. Your relationship with each other becomes an exciting, safe and empowering place that calls forth the best in each of you and a dance of connection and communication that is inspired, fun and fulfilling.

Here is a short video on one couple’s experience with

Deepening Your Love Counseling

Inspiring Couples Counseling Session

Please go to the Deepening Your Love Couples Course page for more videos about the course.

You will receive an overview of the principles and practices of DYL couples counseling and have a short experience of the core practice of Self Connection as the foundation for your connection with each other. Together we will identify where your relationship is strong and thriving and where there is room for growth.


Twelve Session Deepening Your Love Course

A combination of joint and individual sessions. Course can be taken at your own pace in one or two segments of six sessions each.

Together we will choose the focus for your sessions based on your wants and wishes. Here are some of the options available.

  • Create a vision for your marriage. Articulate your core values and intentions of each of the important areas of your life. How do you want your partnership to infuse and inform all the aspects of your life?

  • Learn powerful, foundational practices for being deeply connected to yourself and able to communicate authentically with your partner.

  • Increase your mutual empowerment, deep connection and ability to navigate the challenges and opportunities throughout your lifelong journey together as a joyful, confident team.

  • Design a marriage well being plan to ensure that you care for your connection regularly and unfold your vision over the years.


  • Level Two Deepening Your Love Custom Designed Sessions

A deeper dive into the path and practice of conscious loving. A collection of custom designed sessions, usually two hours, to develop regular practices to support your journey of conscious living and conscious relationship.

  • attend to, heal and transform persistent patterns that hinder your relationship with your self and each other

  • learn the art of profound authenticity and the ability to speak truth in ways that ignite transformation, trust, and powerful connect

  • refine practices to support and enhance your intimacy

  • discover rituals, routines, rhythms that keep your love alive in the busyness of day to day life

  • claim laughter, joy, fun and play as the foundation for a life long marriage

    $300 per session

    Custom package available